Oil on canvas 180 x 110 cm usedom period

"Explore other worlds within this vast sphere of endless possibilities. Transcend the bounds of tradition and discover an unfamiliar land
awash in yellow light, with mountains flanking the horizon."


"I dedicate this painting to all women"
Oil on canvas 180 x 110 cm usedom period

In the year 2270, the space exploration company Celestial Explorations decided to introduce a limited series of exclusive paintings, intended to be both works of art and unique emotional experiences. As part of this series, a masterpiece titled "Venus" was created with the aim of combining the mystique of the cosmos with the power of human emotions.

oil on canvas 110 x 127 cm
berlin period

A unique oil painting that will take you to the depths of the ocean! Welcome to our store, you will discover the fascinating underwater world on the platform.

oil on canvas 114 x 130 cm
berlin period

The painting transports us into the world of a solitary jellyfish, showcasing its beauty and delicacy in bright yet subtle colors, creating an impression of uninhibited freedom of space.

oil on canvas 110 x 140 cm usedom period

The painting "Boat," depicting a delicate boat on a calm water surface, symbolizes life's journey, the quest for direction, and the balance between stability and change.

oil on canvas 114 x 130 cm usedom period

The oil painting "Rebirth" is an extraordinary piece of art that evokes deep emotions and stimulates our imagination.

oil on canvas
70 x 50 cm
usedom period

This artwork, created with love and precision, reflects the subtlety
of oil paint on canvas, creating an effect of gentle swirling, a kind to a dance in the water.

Impossible form
oil on canvas 70 x 50 cm usedom period

"Impossible Form" is the result of an artistic experiment, hovering over the city and relating to it in a way that seems to transcend the boundaries of possibility.

oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period

"Calm" is not just the name of this artwork, but also its essence, which transports us into a world of harmony and inner peace.

Fragm. "Collapse"
oil on canvas
warsaw period

This masterpiece depicts a figure in a collapsing form, serving as a powerful symbol of struggle and strife that each of us can relate to.


oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period
Intense shades and delicate details create a unique atmosphere that evokes both peace and admiration for the majestic power of nature.

oil on canvas 114 x 130 cm usedom period

I am delighted to present to you this extraordinary painting, which not only evokes deep emotions but also takes your breath away with its beauty and depth of message.


"Gong" is not just the name of the painting but also a tribute to imagination and creativity that knows no bounds.

The wild one in the city
oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period

The contrast between the wildness of nature and the severity of the urban environment creates a captivating narrative of harmony and conflict that stirs both the senses and the imagination.

oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period

Bold lines and contrasting shades create a dramatic scene that stirs the deepest corners of our thoughts and feelings.

Raps field
warsaw period

The shades of yellow create an extraordinary atmosphere and emphasize the intensity of the painting, capturing the gaze and engaging the viewer's attention.


"Destiny" is a tale of the inevitability of fate and the mystery of decisions that shape our lives.


Contemplating this exceptional oil painting immediately transports us into the mystical realm of a shamanic ritual. "Harmony" takes us to the heart of the land of spirits, where the force of nature intertwines with the human spirit.


The deep tones, especially the golden and red hues, give the painting intensity and drama. The pyramid, an icon of permanence, becomes a place of uncertainty, adding a new and fascinating dimension.

Once upon a time/sold
warsaw period

"Explorations of the Human Spirit" is not just a painting; it's a complex narrative about human nature, desires, and the never-ending quest.

Sequence/ sold

The painting "Sequence" is a captivating work of art that takes the viewer on an extraordinary journey. The central motif is the abstract shape of the map of Poland, from which emerges a picturesque seascape. It's not just a painting; it's a narrative of seeking one's place, a journey through shapes and landscapes, ultimately finding peace in what is most beautiful.

Dance form 1
13 x 10 cm warsaw period

With great pleasure, I present to you this special collection of five photographs, featuring a figure skater in a gracefully dynamic dance whirl.

Dance form 2
13 x 10 cm warsaw period

With great pleasure, I present to you this special collection of five photographs, featuring a figure skater in a gracefully dynamic dance whirl.

Dance form 3
13 x 10 cm warsaw period

With great pleasure, I present to you this special collection of five photographs, featuring a figure skater in a gracefully dynamic dance whirl.

Skater 4
13 x 10 cm warsaw period

With great pleasure, I present to you this special collection of five photographs, featuring a figure skater in a gracefully dynamic dance whirl.


Her artistic journey, which began with subtle drawings and then transitioned to the realm of photography and film, has enriched his imagination and enabled him to create a unique painterly language through which he shares his vision of the world with us.

Skater 5
13 x 10 cm warsaw period

With great pleasure, I present to you this special collection of five photographs, featuring a figure skater in a gracefully dynamic dance whirl.

Painting is a extension of life.

oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period

"Sequence" is not just the name of the painting but also its essence, revealing a deeper meaning of repetitive patterns in our surroundings

oil on canvas 170 x 135 cm
warsaw period

This unique portrait is a reminder of human weakness but also of our ability to endure and regenerate even in the face of the most challenging trials.

oil on canvas 110 x 180 cm usedom period

Subtle contrasts and natural hues create an exceptional atmosphere that evokes both a sense of blissful calm and admiration for the beauty of nature.

oil on canvas 173 x 125 cm warsaw period

In this mystical composition, swirling pyramids in the sky encircle a central egg-shaped form, symbolizing both the beginning and the potential of all creation.

Fix Fragm.
oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm usedom period

At sit molestie massa sed lorem nulla tempus ipsum suspendisse maecenas.


Through intricate details and subtle interplay of colors, this painting comes to life in our imagination as an ode to courage and strength of spirit.

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